Behavioural of river stability at mountain rivers is essential to assess the sustainability of natural channel amid human alteration. Behavioural of such stability encompasses the river geometry, flow regime, riparian pattern and fluvial dynamics of the river landscape. The behavioural of river stability can be translated into channel stability index for application purpose. Rapid riparian and riverine encroachment have brought tremendous catastrophe to the river stability throughout the nation.
At the current state, there is no rapid geomorphic assessment tool available to assess river stability at Malaysian mountain river. Therefore, the study of river stability near to equilibrium state is a necessity to document the stable channel which is least degrade by using Fuzzy Logic System (FLS). FLS will output the stability index for each river in Malaysia from rule-based reasoning. The accuracy of the prediction will be investigated in order to improve FLS performance by learning rule-based form the expert.
Data availability:
32 parameters are identified as the most crucial indicators that controlled the dynamics changes of river landscapes from Malaysia's river.
There are four classes governed by this new index: Highly stable (score at 0-25), moderately stable (score at 26-50), moderately unstable (51-75) and extremely unstable (score at 76-100).
The validation of those 32 data reveals (32 river from all states in Malaysia) that this newly river stability index is valid for application.
Name: Muhamad Irfan Bin Dian
Matrics No: 132946
Email: irfandian21@student.usm.my
Supervisor: Associate Professor Dr. Umi Kalsom Binti Yusof
Email: umiyusof@usm.my