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On Board Data Handling Software Development for 1U CubeSat

This project is a collaboration between the School of Aerospace Engineering, USM, and our school in building our university's first CubeSat, called MYSat. The OBDH built is one of the components of 1U CubeSat and it covers the development phase of the onboard controller for the CubeSat (currently being built by a team of students from the School of Aerospace Engineering, USM). Alongside the OBDH, a web application called CubeLink is developed to provide an educational platform for students especially, who are interested in exploring the journey of space and related field (focuses in space exploration using aerospace technology; CubeSat)

Name: Nurul Hazirah Binti Mohd Isah

Matrics No: 132977



Supervisor: Dr. Nur Intan Raihana Ruhaiyem


SC192043: Overview
SC192043: Video Player
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