Motion Control of a Mobile Robot using Eye Tracking
This project is a motion control of a mobile robot using eye-tracking. The mobile robot here represents the eye-controlled wheelchair. The eye-controlled wheelchair is designed for paralyzed patients who are suffering from losing their ability to move the voluntary muscle. The main feature of this project is that the direction of movement of the wheelchair is decided by the patient without stressing him physically. This project consists of a video streaming module, face detection module, eyes recognizing module, and robot control module. The camera will stream video to detect the face in life. Then it will process the frames of the video to recognize the eyes to determine the position of the eyes by communicating with the mobile robot to move the robot forward, turn left, turn right and stop. Machine learning is used to detect the face and recognize the eyes to achieve better performance using the face landmark detector that implements the One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees.
Name: Siew Hoong Wai
Matrics No: 132985
Supervisor: Dr. Mohd Nadhir Bin Ab Wahab