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Patient Profiling Intelligent System

Patients Profiling Intelligent System is a system that will be used by a nurse or psychiatrist. Firstly, the nurse or psychiatrist needs to register in the system based on their role as a nurse or psychiatrist. In this system, the nurse will be able to register, update, and delete patients records. In the registration part, all the patient's data such as gender, age, race, religion, marital status, education, occupation status, employment status, social class, diagnoses, history of suicide, suicide ideation, suicidal behavior, alcohol abuse, substance dependence, anxiety disorder, personality disorder, medical problem, clinical problem, and family history will be used to categorize the patients into it suicide categories such as high risk, moderate risk or low risk. Besides that, the nurse can view all charts for the patients' information. For psychiatrist, they will be able to view all patients' information and update medical records of the patients and they will be able to view their suicide level category. Each of the nurse and psychiatrist will be able to update their profile.

Name: Fasyihah Binti Mt Khamis

Matrics No: 132902



Supervisor:  Associate Professor Dr. Zurinahni Zainol


MW192046: Overview
MW192046: Video Player
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